Monday, February 9, 2009

Day One

Ok this is my first blog.... I am getting married in 103 days....can you believe it?
My goals are to stay sane and to get to my fitness goals!
My new goals are to bench 75lbs or more!!!! (already up to 65lbs)
To weigh 120lbs and to have a sexy flat stomach!


  1. Thanks, for visiting Diane! Coffee's always hot, and always ice cold Bud Lights!

  2. weddings are the best especially because the day will be all about you. I am so excited to see how your plans progress and as for the workout stuff just be consistant and it will pay off:)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

  4. Congratulations and good luck with your goals! Just wanted to let you know that you won my mini-giveaway and I have your Hawaiian Tropic Samples/Coupon. Just shoot me an e-mail with your mailing address and I'll get them right out to you.
